Monday, March 10, 2008


2008年3月10日, 早上六點多,剛刷好牙
習慣了的早醒,頭腦似乎還不怎麽清醒的,刷牙后就將自己埋入書堆了,有很多還沒有明白沒有看完的。突然有點痛恨自己以前爲什麽那麽懶散,英文學得七七八八吧了。。 很多不同的情況

A license suspension can occur in several different ways. The most common way to lose a driver's license is by accumulating traffic tickets for moving violations. The effect of this accumulation can result in a license suspension of thirty, sixty, or ninety days. Any additional moving violations may result in a one year suspension of the privilege to drive. License suspensions may also occur because of failure to have liability insurance, driving with blood alcohol levels in excess of the legal limits, refusing to take a breathalyzer (BREATH-uh-lie-zer) test, or outstanding traffic charges. Driving with a suspended license is a serious offense which could result in arrest, jail time, fines, or having your license revoked. If your license is suspended, your insurance rates could be raised. It is strongly suggested that you make every effort to maintain a valid driver's license. If you think you are at risk of losing your driver's license, you may wish to consult an attorney about proper proceedings to protect yourself.


和她的9號就那麽過去了,嗯,這個星期我得好好讓她開心笑笑才行。 豬頭,不過不懂爲什麽,在你面前,我的自信漸漸減少了,我那麽多的不合格,真像泄了氣的氣球。。

Sunday, March 9, 2008


2008年3月9日, 晚上一點半
今天的心很痛,爲什麽你總要這樣? 明知是很愛你的,爲什麽卻要去傷害對方。。沒話説了,真的很痛很痛,一切都好像是白費的了。 最不喜歡最討厭你說看低自己的話了,在我一直以來的心里,你是我的老婆,就是一輩子的了。 你卻輕易地說傷害自己的話! 不要管你是最好的了,可是又做不到。。

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


和麗玲在一起的第573天 天氣:有點陰天涼涼的
趕到去銀行,已經快四點半了,我的ATM卡全沒著落了。。只剩Hong Leong的卡了。